Holyoke dedication
Congratulations to Antonia and her family, whose new Holyoke home was completed in January 2024. On Valentine's Day (Feb. 14), Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity hosted an in-person dedication ceremony to celebrate the completion of the construction phase.
About the build.
This home is the result of a collaboration between the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association and Habitat for Humanity International to build 50 insulated concrete form (ICF) homes across the United States. This is the first ICF build in this affiliate's history.
Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity (GSHFH) began construction in September 2022. Since that time, more than 25 corporations and groups volunteered on this build and put roughly 4,300 hours on the build site.
For a printable PDF media kit, click on Page 1. For an interactive PDF, click page 2.
Event pictures.

Guests talk among themselves before the event begins.

Soon-to-be homeowner Antonia's son Joshua waits for the event to begin.

Left is Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity Construction staffer Violetta Melendez. Next to her is her former peer Rachel Leahey.

Representatives from Agawam's Doering Middle School's Kindness Club, which presented gift baskets to the soon-to-be homeowner's family.
Former GSHFH Construction Manager Sheri L. Green with soon-to-be homeowner Antonia.
Guests pose with soon-to-be homeowner Antonia.

Four of soon-to-be homeowner Antonia's children wait for the dedication to begin.
Holyoke Mayor Joshua Garcia and GSHFH Executive Director Aimee Giroux pose together.
Matthew Mainville of Holyoke Housing Authority (left) speaks to the crowd with Holyoke Mayor Joshua Garcia and GSHFH Executive Director standing to the right of him.

Attendees watch the event. They include (left) GSHFH Board of Directors member Melvin Coleman and former Board President Anne Eisenman (right).

Soon-to-be homeowner Antonia speaks to the audience. GSHFH Homeowner Programs Coordinator Olga Callirgos stands to the left and GSHFH Board of Directors Vice President Tiffany Tranghese stands between them.

The event kicks off with a welcome from GSHFH Board of Directors President Michael Cardaropoli. GSHFH Executive Director Aimee Giroux stands to his left.

Representatives from Agawam's Doering Middle School's Kindness Club presents gift baskets to the soon-to-be homeowner's family.
Soon-to-be homeowner Antonia's children from left Taina, Brianna, and Joshua pose with their gifts from the Kindness Club.

Soon-to-be homeowner Antonia (right) speaks with Holyoke Mayor Joshua Garcia.

Soon-to-be-homeowner Antonia shows off the ceremonial keys to her new home.

The family enters the home following the ceremony.

Soon-to-be homeowner Antonia's daughter Taina smiles in her new home.

Soon-to-be homeowner Antonia's children (from left) Brianna, Joshua, and Taina stand with a signed picture frame welcoming the family home.
From left: Board of Directors members Kelly Trompke, Matt MacDonnell, Vice President Tiffany Tranghese and President Michael Cardaropoli pose with soon-to-be homeowner Antonia and her children Brianna, Joshua, and Taina.

Soon-to-be homeowner Antonia's son Joshua (left) enjoys food served at the event. catered by Crave Holyoke.

Older daughter Jaelee (far right) arrives at the event. Siblings Taina and Joshua greet her.
Former GSHFH Construction Manager Sheri L. Green poses with soon-to-be homeowner Antonia (far right) and her children.

Soon-to-be homeowner Antonia (center) draws the name of a "Hearts and Homes" challenge fundraising winner from the can held by GSHFH Executive Director Aimee Giroux. Her children Joshua and Brianna (right) look on. Winner Helen Wright won a gift card valued at $700 to exclusive Canyon Ranch spa resort in Lenox/

Food catered and donated by Crave Holyoke for the dedication.
Facebook videos.
Tour of the house.

Finished house. Two stories, four bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms.


Dining room/living room. View from kitchen.

Pantry, located in nook behind refrigerator.

Main floor half bathroom

Stairs to second level

Upstairs hallway

Upstairs full bathroom

Upstairs bedroom #1

Upstairs bedroom #2

Upstairs bedroom #3

Stairs to basement

Basement storage area

Basement hallway from back door

Basement bedroom

Basement full bathroom
To see the construction progression of this build, click below.