July 2022
double dedication
Two three-bedroom homes are under construction in Holyoke. On July 18, Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity celebrated the families who will purchase the houses. More than 50 people attended the in-person event and others watched it on Facebook Live. See below for more images from the day.
About the build.
Since construction began in summer 2021, more than 150 individual volunteers, local companies, and school groups helped in this build. They include PeoplesBank, City of Holyoke, Holyoke Housing Authority, Community Preservation Act Committee of Holyoke, Sunbelt Rentals, OMG, Anna Maria College, Meyers Brothers Kalicka, Pellegrini, Seeley, Ryan & Blakesley, Citizens Bank, and Restoration Worship Center.
Jennifer's and Juan and Ireydiza's dreams of homeownership will finally come true thanks to Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity and the many supporters of our program.
The event.
Photos with an orange frame were taken by Photosynthesis Photographer Marie Ciosek.
Photos with a blue or gray frame were taken by Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity.

Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity (GSHFH) Executive Director Aimee Giroux (left in black and white dress) stands with former GSHFH Family Services Manager Deborah O'Mara (who retired in July and wearing a blue dress) as she presents. The two families celebrated include Jennifer and her two sons. She stands along the back fence in blue with jeans under a red umbrella. Juan, Ireydiza, and their two children stand by the porch under a black umbrella. Their son wears a bright yellow shirt.

The two houses showcased at the double dedication event on July 18.

Friends and family of soon-to-homeowners Juan and Ireydizaa attend the ceremony.

From right to left: Holyoke Mayor Joshua Garcia; stands with soon-to-be homeowner Juan, his friend Issac Bird (who later offered a house blessing), and a guest at the event before it began.

A guest hugs soon-to-be homeowner Ireydiza's daughter.

A guest hugs greets soon-to-be homeowner Ireydiza's son.

Soon-to-be homeowners Ireydiza, Juan, and their children stand to the right as their family and friends pose with them.

Guests watch the event.

Aimee GIroux, GSHFH Habitat for Humanity executive director, speaks at the event.

From left to right: Aimee Giroux, GSHFH executive director; Holyoke Mayor Joshua Garcia; and City of Holyoke Community Development Director Alicia M. Zoeller speak at the event.
GSHFH Executive Director Aimee Giroux (left) stands with former GSHFH Family Services Manager Deborah O'Mara (who retired in July) as she presents.

GSHFH Executive Director Aimee Giroux (left) stands as Janara Healy, Holyoke Housing Authority assistant executive director of Operations speaks during the event.

GSHFH Executive Director Aimee Giroux (left) listens as Meagan Magrath-Smith, chair of the Community Preservation Act Committee, speaks at the double dedication ceremony.

Guests follow along with the program.

Soon-to-be homeowner Jennifer shows off her ceremonial house key.

Soon-to-be homeowner Jennifer (middle in blue) stands with her sons and a family friend and watches the ceremony.

Jennifer (right in blue) addresses guests thanking volunteers for their time and Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity for making her dreams come true.

Deborah O'Mara (left) presents ceremonial house keys, a cross, and Bible to Jennifer.

Guests watch the ceremony.
Juan (right) speaks at the dedication event while his family stands with him. He praises Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity for the work they do and the service the organization provided for his family.
Deborah O'Mara (right in blue) presents ceremonial house keys, a cross, and Bible to Juan and Ireydiza's daughter as Aimee Giroux looks on..

Issac Bird offers a house blessing.

Soon-to-be homeowners Ireydiza and Juan's daughter stares at the ceremonial house key.

Representatives from Pellegrini, Seeley, Ryan & Blakesley Law stand with Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors President Anne Eisenman (right) after donating two lawnmowers to the two families.

Aimee Giroux (left) speaks with guests from the City of Holyoke following the event.

Representatives from Pellegrini, Seeley, Ryan & Blakesley Law display one of the lawn mowers the firm donated to the soon-to-be new homeowners.