Supporting Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity (GSHFH) is essential to creating a lasting legacy. We are deeply grateful to our many partners who help us build safe, decent, and affordable housing in Hampden County. You can show your support through the donation of money for the construction of houses, or vehicles. You can participate in our advocacy efforts, or take part in a corporate build.
The additional cost of implementing and learning how to use green building technologies can be a challenge. As a way to help offset the costs, Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity has recently rolled out an environment stewardship sponsorship for companies and individuals that are interested in sponsoring our green build initiatives.
Corporate sponsorships are essential for Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity (GSHFH) to continue its mission. Partnering with GSHFH is an excellent way to promote your corporate social responsibility goals while making a lasting impact. We offer a variety of outlets for giving. Your employees can also participate by helping to build safe and affordable homes while strengthening our community.
Join us for a build day at a construction site. Work alongside our construction team, fantastic volunteers, and partner families. Work on everything from the foundation to the finishing touches. No experience required. Our skilled staff will train and supervise the activities for the day.
"Affordable housing" is often a difficult topic to discuss. While the concept is simple, the reality is not. In Massachusetts, one in seven households spend half or more of their income on housing. A family needs to earn $73,890 annually to afford fair market rent for a two-bedroom apartment in the Bay State. It's just unreasonable.
With the rising cost of lumber and other building supplies, we need your help. Talk to area legislators. Advocate for Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity.
Greater Springfield Habitat for Humanity (GSHFH) is again taking part in the Novelis Affiliate Recycling Program, but this time, there’s a catch. A new challenge, so to speak. In previous years there was no minimum amount of how many empty, clean aluminum cans were recycled to receive the grant. This time, Greater Springfield Habitat needs to collect a minimum of 500 pounds (16,000 cans) to qualify!